How To Remove A Stuck Shower Handle
Lift up the shell and locate the screws with the help flat head screwdriver if necessary.
How to remove a stuck shower handle. This video shows the things i wish i had known prior to fixing this problem on my own. When you have a stuck shower knob or a bathtub handle you can t remove it s usually stuck by scale. You can also try prying the handle off with a flat bar.
First thing first find out where the screws are located on the shaft. Use of hacksaw or drill to forcibly remove both a stuck cartridge as well as a stuck shower handle. In the end you may need a special tool to remove the shower handle.
If you don t find it in plain sight then look for a shell that has the manufacturer s logo on it. Apply heat to the stuck fixture or. If the fixture or nut hasn t loosened go to step 2.
How to remove stuck shower handle screw. Seal it up with tape or a rubber band and leave it for a few hours or over night. Wrap the strap of a strap wrench around the base of the shower head and tighten the strap securely.
Remove the drill bit from the handle. With things like that i ve found that putting a plastic bag full of white vinegar warmed up a little is even better will dissolve various crud and free it up. Put a wrench on the fixture or nut and strike the handle sharply with a hammer to loosen the fixture.
If it s hard to move spray some lubricant into the threads and wait five minutes then try again. Position the drill bit over the the first hole and drill out the screw head. Drill just enough to reach the inside diameter of the handle.
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